Category Archives: Uncategorized
GENERALA has been available on my games site for a while now. Recently I updated the system with poisons and bard skills, and a new dungeon is in the works. All of the documents, from character sheet to covers, got updates. I got more downloads since the update than the previous version got in its […]
Bard-en your horizons!
If you’ve been thinking to yourself, “Man, I’d really like to play GENERALA, but what that game is really missing is an obnoxious support character class” then have we got some big news for you! GENERALA Bard Skills are here! Honestly, I can think of nothing more appropriate to the ridiculous, over-the-top play of GENERALA […]
Dynamo for download
I’ve updated my games download page to include Dynamo. I haven’t updated the artwork yet, but the game is playable, and I’m proud of it, so there you go. One thing – in updating the site today, I added as a sub domain, and then added I’ll be using SuburbanRobot as my game […]
AARG is here! (Mostly)
So I’ve been on a sort of radio silence lately here on the blog for a few reasons – 1. My regular gaming group broke up. I won’t go into details, but “I’m an asshole, that’s just how I am” doesn’t make it OK that you’re an asshole. 2. My regular gaming group got back […]
Dynamo Setting
I’ve just decided, for no other reason than because I’m a fan of his, that the mass power event of Dynamo will be based loosely on A.C. Doyle’s The Poison Belt.
Thoughts on The Last of Us
The Last of Us is, in my opinion, the best console game of this generation. The fact that it’s still riddled with flaws highlights the issues I have with the current generation of console games.
Introducing Generala
A while back, I got the idea in my head that I would write a stripped down dungeon bashing RPG system and run a game using it. I first thought about basing it on an adapted version of Jeff Dee’s TWERPS system; this was after I had unpacked some of my gaming stuff and found […]
It’s time for a Lipsum post!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisl nisi, sodales ut tempor sed, pulvinar eget dui. Etiam aliquet lorem a ante pharetra accumsan sit amet eu mauris. Mauris erat odio, accumsan eu egestas vel, dapibus vel urna. Maecenas non ligula nulla, ut pretium ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et […]